Games Played
The Games Club is a fairly eclectic place and so this is reflected in what we play and the players that game here.
The club contains a varied sort of gamers and games, we are not the usual gaming club preferring to engage in all aspects of the gaming life and enjoy all manner of games.
BGG What we Played Last Week
Games from previous Nights
Always a great night and a good laugh with great gamers.
On our wishlist
Games we Own.
Collection: Nottsgamer
While these are a few of the games either the club owns (Around 47 Board Games) or that are currently popular they are not the only ones and as active gamers we are always interested in what others play, are evangelistic about and feel others would like to play. It’s also about offering gamers a chance to mix and socialise with others of a similar mind and instead of going around a friend’s house you all come to us and expand your social circles in Nottinghamshire.
We are also interested in Gaming news and what others are up to as it all helps to create greater social cohesion.
The Club has in the past hosted several games specific and style events and is always looking to engage more with the Nottinghamshire & Beyond gaming community as a whole in order to get more gamers gaming, so if there is a set game you’d like to help organize like an X-Wing Night, or a Euro Gamers evening Or Blood Bowl Tournament then get in touch with us.

If you’re interested in helping the Club stretch our reach a little further and would be interested in handing out one of our posters or putting one up in your local FLAG Store then please click on one of the links .JPG or the PDF Version,
Hi there how do me and my friend book to use a table to play heresy?
Many thanks
Your can chat to us via messenger, this site or FB, even pop down to ou shop and club house 126 Lower Parliament St, Nottingham. NG 1 1EH
Will also point out to readers we have a Club House – @HobbySpotz and you can hire a gaming table. Its £3 a person, free tea and coffee.