Mini Gangs is a fast to play tabletop skirmish game for 2 or more players.

Mini Gangs launches on Kickstarter

The on-going entrepreneurial push that is Ramshackle Games has again brought a new system and game to Kickstarter with his latest offering ‘Mini Gangs’  a new rule set which combines ease of play with great strategic options resulting in a quick game with a lot of hidden depth. Its an ideal option for short club games, for playing a campaign and for getting beginners into tabletop battle games. a compact 12 figure, A5 Rule Book and tokens game designed around the principle of ease of play and three levels of complexity.

In Mini Gangs players control a gang of four model characters each fulfilling a different generic battlefield role. Each has its own unique style. Any of the gangs can be taken as rewards for backing this project and all are supplied in the full set reward.

This game really does offer a lot for such a simple offering and yet is it something that the market will welcome

For those that follow this Blog, one touched upon this project from Curtis a while ago, and managed to get a couple of playtest games in.



The Keychain Mohawkswell at its core Mini Gangs is a whole new rule set from Ramshackle Games, a departure from Nuclear Renaissance with its more complex rule sets in a preference of a game that offers combined ease of play with great strategic options resulting in a quick game, however, one that provides the players with a lot of depth.
Mini Gangs can be played in three different ways, each appealing to a different level of gamer. 

Gateway– A simple and easy game for beginners. Mini Gangs Gateway is designed to teach beginners how to play tabletop strategy games. It great for children of 6 years or older as the simple rules mean it’s easy to understand. It is also good for adults who have never played model based games before. It teaches all the core concepts that are used in more complex games. The Ironstrike ClanCasual– A game for easy play and deep strategy. Mini Gangs Casual adds a deck of cards. These cards represent equipment, weapons and skills for your gang. This adds a layer of depth to the basic rules which makes it ideal for quick games. Whilst being simple, Casual makes for rewarding play. Mini Gangs Casual is great for club or gaming groups as it is a fast-paced multiplayer game. 

Hardcore– A sophisticated in-depth gaming experience. Mini Gangs Hard-core features a full points system, campaign rules and scenarios. It expands the game to be a tool for playing any skirmish level encounters with the minimum of inconvenience.

As I said one got to playtest this game when one had a chance to playtest this game and one of the things that one likes about Curtis apart from a chance to rob his miscast box is that he is generous with his thoughts and ideas that go into game design and the creative process.

DESIGNER’S NOTE – ‘a quote from Curtis’ 

“I first came up with the idea for Mini Gangs when I was trying to make a simple war game. I realised that by using one stat for each character I could make a game that was easy to memorise. The idea is that to shoot, players must roll over this number and to make a combat attack they must roll over the number. By balancing those numbers I could give a good spread of probabilities. 

With four character classes, I could represent ranged troops, combat troops and troops that were ok at both. I then added in the actions, which limit what the classes can do. For example, a healer with an Awesomeness of 2 is very bad at fighting, but would be a marksman level with a gun! Therefore the healer cannot make a shoot action. These three basic rules of under/over, actions and restrictions mean that the different battlefield roles are represented really well with minimal paperwork. 
At this point, Mini Gangs Gateway was born! It’s great for gaming with kids, or players new to tabletop gaming. I find at our local club it can be intimidating for new players to try to get into figure based tabletop battle games. Mini Gangs offers this way in, by using (and teaching) all the core concepts from our favourite strategy games.
However, Gateway doesn’t go far enough for more experienced players. I wrote out a list of additional skills and things I wanted to add to the game. In playtesting, we found that having these on cards gave us a really fun experience. Players in Casual get randomly dealt cards, which they then give out to their gang. Choosing who these go to and then using them during play builds a really deep strategic element into the game. This random setup for gangs also makes for a very speedy game turn around. After a few goes, we were finishing four player games in about forty-five minutes or less!
Once we had the cards working, I assigned points to them and the characters, meaning that players could build their own forces as they wanted. This is Mini Gangs Hard-core, and can be used to put on any kind of game you like.” 


Players select four models. These are placed on the gaming table with pre-arranged terrain on it. The table can be any size however a 2ft by 2ft table works well for 2 and unto 4 players.

Players then take turns with their gangs, each character in the gang may make one action per turn. The actions are move, shoot, fight, charge and heal. The movement rules are straightforward with models moving 10cm.

Shooting, fighting and healing require a dice roll, basically, an Action Resolution test to determine if they are successful or not by rolling under their Awesome  Stat. Conversely, they must roll over their Awesomeness Stat in order shoot or perform heal actions. Charging is a move and fight action rolled into one. However, some characters can perform actions others cannot. I.e. the healer is the only one who can make a Heal action. Characters each have one statistic, called their Awesomeness. 

Again this is a real departure from Nuclear Renaissance and many other Tabletop games which aim to provide stats for every possible action, Mini Gangs instead simplifies the statistics the whole system down to its bare bones.

What does this mean, well it makes Mini Gangs easy to play, easy to teach and surprisingly (Not in a bad or negative surprise way) great fun. This is the basic game basic game, and one that young kids and newcomers to wargaming Gateway. Casual and Hard-core use this same game engine but incorporate gang design rules, armour saves and much more. Interestingly the simple mechanics do not detract from the richness and depth of the game.


Mini Gangs On Kickstarter

£15 Mini Gang Cards

  • Full 52 Deck for the game

£20 Mini Gangs rule Book 

  • 56-page rulebook

£24 Early Bird Keychain Mohawks

  • 4 polyurethane resin figures

£24 Early Bird BFSFGFT

  • 4 polyurethane resin figures

£24 Early Bird  Ironstrike Clan

  • 4 polyurethane resin figures

£26 Resin Gang

  • 4 polyurethane resin figures

£75 Full set  

  • 12 polyurethane resin figures,
  • Gang Stretch goals
  • Grenade Tokens
  • Digital Copies of Rules
  • Quick Start Set
  • Gang Sheets


The Keychain MohawksThis is another big shift from the usual resin that Ramshackle normally uses (polyester resin), instead, this is a new high-quality polyurethane resin and while a common resin for model manufacture, it marks an interesting shift. The older style is good, however, what this means for figure production is a rigid, lightweight crisp clean and strong cast. Most Ramshackle Games models are cast Polyester and while this is great for mass production it does have limits in areas like proportional strength which means it cannot be used to produce more dynamic figure poses due to the thinner components like a sword or an arm. It also allows Curtis to sculpt much more detail into figures and for the master sculpt to carry the detail across with the model.


Like many companies these days Ramshackle is offering a sampler of their rules with a free digital download of the Casual variant which can be found below.




So what does this mean, well this will be  Ramshackle Games’ eighth Kickstarter campaign. and all the previous ones have been highly successful, with feedback being positive. It should come as no surprise that this one is looking to go the same way. 

The projections on Kicktraq seem to provoke interesting speculation, with the current charts showing.

Mini Gangs Skirmish Game -- Kicktraq Mini

and projections at time of post are at Current Pledge Levels £1,680 putting the project at 84% of the Goal, however the trend (and it is a trend, not a projection!) Trending towards £29,400 or 1470% of goal, and while I’m sure they will succeed in passing the goals and entering the stretch goal range time will tell. 

The gameplay is simple yet fun, and this really is an Intro or entry-level game where it truly emphasises that point. The rules combine a level of clever tactical play and high simplicity that anyone from small children to those new to gaming can pick this game up and start playing from a quick read of the rules. It is the sort of game that those who game are looking for to encourage their own kids into miniature gaming, Games clubs who are looking for either an Intro game or a nice little skirmish game for between games or something a little more lighter.

  However is it for those who game, well from just the gameplay one would say yes, its light refreshing and encourages tactical play regardless of experience it makes you think, the models are exquisite and highly detailed. The use of the new resin is great and something one hopes Ramshackle Games will continue to push with their figures. The new dynamic range of poses and looks are amazing and bring that spark back to the table and something that we will be looking to back, as are many others.


While Nottingham may be the Spiritual Home of tabletop gaming in the UK, Alex J Huntley is it seems to help to cement this image by helping put Nottingham on the map again internationally in both gaming and with his model making business by teaming up with Nottingham Trent University to develop and run an exciting model-making Courses. The course aims to teach you the skills to make dynamic figures that will stretch your creativity.

Image result for nottingham trent university

Model Sculpting Course

Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm, two weeks
Indicative maximum class size: 14
Nottingham has an excellent reputation in the war game and fantasy model making industries, and at NTU we are pleased to announce a repeat of this unique two-day course for enthusiasts who wish to immerse themselves in this world.
Course Code; CSCFMM
Course Dates; 28th October 2017 – 4th November 2017
Course Fee; £180.00
Course Description;  Led by Alex Huntley of Warploque Miniatures, one of the UK’s most exciting model-making companies, the course will teach you the skills to make dynamic figures that will stretch your creativity.
Over the two days, you will focus on superheroes, bizarre animals or any other creature of your imagination. The course is completely practical, so you’ll be engaging with a hands-on project from the start.
This course is open to anyone aged 16 and above.
On this course you will:
•build a simple armature
•sketch in plasticine
•sculpt in fast-drying materials
•turn a 2D design into a 3D piece of art.
What will you gain?
By the end of the two days you will have a model to take home to continue painting, and the knowledge of how to create more. The course will also introduce you to the techniques used to produce miniatures for resin and metal casting reproduction.
This course is ideal if you are interested in the war game and model making industries.
You might already have a concept you want to develop and are looking for advice and new skills, or you might want to create models purely for pleasure and your own games.

Tel: +44 (0)115 848 2813

Warploque Miniatures website

This is or looks to be an interesting and exciting project and shows how tabletop games companies can be both generous with their knowledge and engage with the hobby on many levels. For those who don’t know, Alex Huntley is the owner, writer and sculptor of the highly successful  ArcWorlde, a 32mm fantasy wargaming miniatures for gamers, painters and collectors, which launched on Kickstarter in 2013. Their original goal of £5,000 was completely blasted alt textthrough and by the end of the campaign they had managed to raise a truly massive £57,019 in pledges,  A second run at Kickstarter Battle for Troll Bridge hitting £10,663, then finally the third instalment Trouble in the North raised a whopping £21,108. Helping to expand the World of ArcWorlde into new territories.

Originally a model maker as a child Alex Huntley started to show off his works via blogs and internet forums developing a loyal following. This was then proven with the number of people who both took up interest in his original Kickstarter and also actively spent time sharing details with everyone they knew, helping to blast past the pre planned Kickstarter pledges and see sudden changes in how he was running the campaign. yourself to keep going.

Of cause there is a multitude of model making and gaming companies out there and many would wonder about the necessity of further saturating the market with another, as we have seen several just recently collapse, like Spartan Games and and Tor, however that is not what this is really about and more about helping others develop skills to create something that at the very least help to create bespoke minis and models that appeal to the maker and at best see something that is edgy and less about mass market and more about what makes you want to buy because you really appreciate the miniature, something which captures the imagination.

So who will be going to such a course and why, well anyone who has ever gamed and thought I can do better, anyone who has looked at a miniature and felt I wish they made X model or just those who want to understand how to improve existing skills and develop or new comers who are eager to start their own dreams of being a miniature designer.

So what will you be looking at with the course, well at its core people will be introduced to the skills required for creating their own three-dimensional characters and bringing their ideas to life. through the process of making Image result for alex huntley miniature sculptingsketches and taking ideas from peoples heads and develop the model through the process of creating a wire armature out of wire, and then building up modelling putties to the finished component. Learning about the creative process, through practice and the experience of both the teacher and others.
Well if you are a budding miniature game designer and want to learn how to sculpt, an existing converter who wants to develop skills or new to the hobby and fancy developing then this is something that will appeal to a lot of readers.

#Warmongers #tabletopgamingnews #WhispersfromtheLeadBelt

Jim Henson’s ‘The Dark Crystal’ comes to the Board Game Market

The dark genius that is Jim Henson has inspire River Horse games and Jim Henson the perfect Mix? Dark Crystal Board Game.d a multitude of comics, TV shows and stories, and recently it Inspired River Horse games and Alessio Cavatore to create the Labyrinth the Board game. Yet it seems this was just a prelude to something of a run on Henson’s range with a new game, this time based on the dark epic fantasy, The Dark Crystal.

Board Game,
for 2 to 4 players
RRP: £40 / $52


Box Contents

• 4 highly collectable figurine renditions of the main characters: 2 Gelflings – Jen and Kira (with Fizzgig!). 2 Skeksis – skekSil the Chamberlain and skekUng the Garthim-Master


• Rules booklet – 24 pages.
• 2′ × 2′ game board – lavishly illustrated with inspiring new artwork featuring all the legendary places from the movie, including Aughra’s Observatory, the Valley of the Stones and the Crystal Castle.
• 25 World cards, 9 Mystic cards, 7 Skeksis cards and 15 Minion cards.
• Over 20 game tokens.
• 6 polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20)
• 4 character sheets and 4 Special Ability cards.
• Cardboard stand-ups and bases: 4 Garthim, 1 Slave Podlings, 1 Gourmand Skeksis and 1 Slave-Master Skeksis
• 1 Orrery turn track; A turn tracker based on the Dark Crystal Orrery completes the game.

The Dark Crystal and its expansive fantasy setting is enjoying something of  a resurgence in popularity, with a newly released hardcover book The Dark Crystal:  The Ultimate Visual History releasing shortly, from publishers Insight Editions, a new 12 Issue comic series and, it has also seen Netflix announcing plans for a 10 Ep series inspired by the film. And the relationship between River Horse and The Henson Henson has already proven fruitful.  The company recently announced plans for a second expansion for its Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Boardgame, expanding the line with a new Goblin Range.

clip_image003The game will see players following the events of the movie, ‘The Dark Crystal,’ and will see players given the opportunity to assist the film’s main characters, Jen and Kira, as they seek to heal the Dark Crystal by gathering the magical Shards.
The players move visually exquisitely sculpted figurines, around the board, visiting the iconic locations from the movie and exploring the Dark Crystal world. (From playing the Labyrinth Board game on hopes there will be a little more than this in the game, as it can prove a little mundane and samey in game play, Ed.)

The game is expecting to shift: Early 2018

So after this interesting little tibbit from last months Necromunda ,


So exciting times for Games Workshop in the release of Necromunda; And even better not a re-release of the old system but a newer developed system designed around a sleeker WH40k.
If you’re new to Miniature Gaming you may not be familiar with Necromunda, except as tales of the Glory days, often reminisced on by gronards and Oldhammer gamers, well it was a favourite  with many in the gaming community as it was a way to take a gang of misfits and both progress theme through a game and develop their story as they fought or died in the dark underbelly of the Hive worlds. It allowed players to dive into the underworld of the Imperium, allowing players to control their own Hive Gang augmented with black market cybernetics, gene modifications and scavenged or stolen weaponry. And while WH40k places you in the macro scale of General of a vast army Necromunda goes the other way with a microscale approach of Gang leader, looking out for gang members.
According to sources at the Forge World Open Day, Andy Hoare believes, “They’re absolutely nailing it in terms of how to keep all the great stuff, yet adding to the new system and in order to bring in new things, like Hive Secondus, The Ash Wastes, new gangs.
“We’re broadly looking at a game based on the 8th Edition 40k mechanics, but tailored to a form of skirmish warfare. We’ll see the addition of Action Points, which will be used to active gang members (in a similar way to how Space Hulk works). Different actions will cost different points, for example activating a Heavy Class Ganger will cost 2 Action Points, however, a basic Juve Ganger will cost only one.
We’ll be looking at a release schedule very  much like BloodBlowl, this see a,
‘Preview’, launch of the initial box set. Like BloodBowl it will be a self-contained box with steady releases.
The box itself will contain the Escher and Goliath gangers which have been seen already, the rules, game accessories and terrain either similar to or most likely Shadow War terrain as the Specialist Games studio do not have the resources to produce terrain solely for Necromunda, so they are trail blazing the Shadow War release with all the cool terrain that was released with that boxed set.
(This does highlight the small nature of the specialist Games team and the explanation to the cries of why not release X,Y,Z sooner) and subsequently in individual kits until present. The rules will allow for play in the way players are used to on gangways, ramps and gantries, but also in tunnels making use of the Zone Mortalis tiles available from Forge World.
We will see all the gangs from Hive Primus (See Below) return, along with the gangs from Outlanders and Fanatic. We will also see new gangs and some expansion of the fluff on Necromunda.
HIVE SECONDUS was written about in the Fanatic days, a Hive terrorised,  overrunning with an established Genstealer cult, subsequently nuked by the Necromunda Defence Forces to rid the planet of the infestation. However, the Hive topples on its side with most of the Cultists surviving. This results in the Defence Forces building a large trench system in the surrounding Ash Wastes to isolate the remains of the Hive from the rest of the planet.
Even better it was hinted “We will be visiting this intriguing story in the future!”
Keep your eyes on Warhammer Community for all the latest news and previews.
More Pics coming shortly.

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