Ok the Basics

Stay at home

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home

Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.


We do have a range of ideas and suggestions for those that are interested in playing board games and still wanting to engage in social activities can do so and get some ideas here.


Ok UKGov Advice

Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do


Stay at home

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home

Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.

1. When am I allowed to leave the house?

You should only leave the house for very limited purposes:

  • shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible
  • one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household
  • any medical need, including to donate blood, avoid or escape risk of injury or harm, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
  • travelling for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home

2. Can I go to the dentist, my GP or another medical appointment?

You can leave home for medical appointments.

GP practices may postpone non-urgent health checks or routine appointments.

You should go to the doctor if there is an essential medical need.

3. Can I walk my dog / look after my horse?

Yes – provided it is alone or with members of your household.

People must stay at home as much as possible to reduce the spread of the virus. But you can also still go outside once a day for a walk, run, cycle. When doing this you must minimise the time you are out of your home and stay at least two metres away from anyone else that isn’t from your household.

4. Should I stay at home or go to work?

You may travel for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home.

Certain jobs require people to travel to their place of work – for instance if they operate machinery, work in construction or manufacturing, or are delivering front line services such as train and bus drivers.

Employers and employees should discuss their working arrangements, and employers should take every possible step to facilitate their employees working from home, including providing suitable IT and equipment to enable remote working.

5. I’m not a critical worker and I can’t work from home. What should I do?

If you cannot work from home then you can still travel to work. This is consistent with the Chief Medical Officer’s advice.

Critical workers are those who can still take their children to school or childcare. This critical worker definition does not affect whether or not you can travel to work – if you are not a critical worker, you may still travel to work provided you cannot work from home.

Anyone who has symptoms or is in a household where someone has symptoms should not go to work and should self-isolate.

6. How can I find out if my work is essential or not?

The government is not saying only people doing “essential” work can go to work. Anyone who cannot work from home can still go to work.

Separately, there is a list of critical workers who can still take their children to school or childcare. Provision has been prioritised for these workers.

Every worker – whether critical or not – should work from home if they can but may otherwise travel to work.

We have also asked certain businesses where people gather, such as pubs and most shops, to close. Separate guidance has been published on this.

7. Can I see my friends?

We must all stay away from each other to stop spreading the virus, and that means you should not be meeting friends unless you live in the same household.

Instead, you could keep in touch with your friends using phone or video calls.

8. Can I visit elderly relatives?

No, you should not be visiting family members who do not live in your home.

You should keep in touch with them using phone or video calls.

Where your relatives are elderly or vulnerable, you may leave your house to help them, for example by dropping shopping or medication at their door. You can also help them to order online.

9. Can I go out to help a vulnerable person?

You can only provide support to vulnerable people if you fulfil all of the conditions below:

  • you are well and have no symptoms like a cough or high temperature and nobody in your household does
  • you are under 70
  • you are not pregnant
  • you do not have any long-term health conditions that make you vulnerable to coronavirus

If the answer is yes to everything above, you may leave your house to provide care or to help a vulnerable person, following the advice set out here.

When outside the home, you should stay at least two metres away from others wherever possible.

We have seen an incredible effort across the country already, and we’re hugely grateful to those who support the vulnerable in their communities by volunteering day-to-day.

10. My boss is forcing me to go to work but I’m scared of coronavirus. What should I do?

Employers must make all efforts to help people to work from home where possible, as this will help limit the spread of the virus by reducing the amount of contact between people.

In some circumstances this may be impossible – this would apply to those working for a business or organisation that we have not asked to close and requires them to travel and be at work, such as train or bus drivers, construction workers, restaurant workers handling deliveries or those on the frontline like NHS workers.

For these workers who need to be at work, do not have symptoms or live with anyone who has symptoms, and are not vulnerable people, we have outlined clear guidance for employers to help protect workers.

11. I can’t go to work because I need to look after my child, but my boss is threatening to sack me if I don’t. What should I do?

We would urge employers to take socially responsible decisions and listen to the concerns of their workforce – particularly when they have childcare responsibilities.

Employers and employees should come to an agreement about these arrangements.

If individuals need advice they should approach ACAS where they can get impartial advice about in-work disputes.

12. Can I move house?

Homebuyers and renters should, where possible, delay moving to a new house while measures are in place to fight coronavirus.

If moving is unavoidable for contractual reasons and the parties are unable to reach an agreement to delay, people must follow advice on staying away from others to minimise the spread of the virus.

13. Can I go to the park?

You can still go to the park for outdoor exercise once a day but only alone or with members of your household, not in groups.

Communal places within parks such as sports courts, playgrounds and outdoor gyms have been closed to protect everyone’s health.

We ask that households use parks responsibly and keep 2 metres apart from others at all times.

Unless you are with members of your household, gatherings of more than two people in parks and other public spaces have been banned. The police have the powers to disperse gatherings and issue fines if necessary.

14. Can I drive to a national park or other green space to walk?

We advise you to stay local and use open spaces near to your home where possible – do not travel unnecessarily.

You can still go to the park for outdoor exercise once a day but only by yourself or within your household, not in groups.

We ask you to keep 2 metres apart from others outside your household at all times when outdoors.

15. What will happen to me if I break the rules?

We appreciate all the effort people are putting into containing the spread of coronavirus which will help protect our NHS and save lives.

However, if you leave your home or gather in public for any reason other than those specified, the police may:

  • instruct you to go home, leave an area or disperse
  • instruct you to take steps to stop your children breaking these rules if they have already done so
  • take you home – or arrest you – if you do not follow their instructions or where they deem it necessary
  • issue a fine (fixed penalty notice) of £60, which will be lowered to £30 if paid within 14 days.
  • issue a fine (fixed penalty notice) of £120 for second time offenders, doubling on each further repeat offence

Individuals who do not pay their fine could be taken to court, with magistrates able to impose unlimited fines.





Games Workshops classic Realms of Chaos ‘Slaves to darkness’ to be re-printed and released

One is aware one does not usually do GW partly out of the fact they have a massive PR engine and usually what one catches is in a private concept, journalism arguments aside. However, this one came via other sources so running with it. (please don’t sue)

See image of RoC SD bottom left

Games Workshop it seems is again moving in interesting times and the new CEO is certainly showing that the company can be moved both forward in new and dynamic ways, yet still keep an emotional hand in the past and never more so that with the surprise reprint of the classic Rogue Trader WH40k, yet it seems that this was just the start and in what is expected to be very exciting news will soon join it the ever darkly exquisitely written Realms of Chaos ‘Slave to darkness.’ The book that brought Chaos to the minds of impressionable 80’s teenagers and to be thought of as a game changer in how tabletop gaming could be away from the historical crowds. It less set the stage and more set the stage on fire in being one of a pair of books that grognards now everywhere felt were the most interesting books that GW ever produced. (And bemoaning the sudden price drop and value of their copies, .Ed)

Slaves to Darkness featured extensive detailed descriptions of the gods Khorne and Slaanesh, complete with a pantheon of their Daemons, rules and background for including these in tabletop battles as demonic armies. It also started to encourage people to not just buy an army but make it your own, to buy other miniatures so you could take them apart and create custom conversions, and provide what was many a teenagers life for many moons the basic idea of Chaos warbands and build your own adventures and backgrounds with them.

Realm of Chaos ‘Slaves to Darkness’

It also introduced the Imperium’s Daemonhunters of the Ordo Malleus and their associated Space Marine chapter – the Grey Knights. The book provided a nice balance in what it offered.

The volume is also notable for its having a solid coherant narriative foundation for the Horus Heresy, an event which while mentioned in Rogue Trader was as then more of a background flavour to the epic galaxy-spanning battles taking place. RoC explained what that flavour was, it locked the Horus Heresy firmly into the midns of the gamers and established the role of Chaos and the demon influence in the GW40k – SF universe

And provides the link between the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 worlds; which is explicitly stated in the first pages of the book.

‘It also features rules on the creation of Chaos Champions and their warbands, Daemon weapons, demonic possession and the Horus Heresy of WH40K. To give a flavour of the background and attributes of followers of Chaos it contained material such as a list of over 120 “Chaos Attributes” – mutations that the followers of Chaos were often afflicted by. This included some mutations that were advantageous, such as those that made the mutant extra strong or taller and those that confer a disadvantage, such as ones that made the mutant small, weak or stupid. Other mutations were purely cosmetic, such as giving the mutant brightly coloured skin or eyes on stalks, whilst some mutations were clearly comical, such as one that gave the mutant a silly walk (possibly inspired by the Monty Python sketch The Ministry of Silly Walks) and even a mutation that bestowed the “gift” of uncontrollable flatulence.’ Quote Wikipedia 

written by Rick Priestley, Bryan Ansell,‎ Mike Brunton,‎ Simon Forrest, who were already venerable figures in the gaming industry and GW. They were harmonists who took the art of writing by deftly mixing humour with horror as they tackled the big questions of Galaxy spanning concepts and battles, factions and wars, and lay down the groundwork for what is now a major part of many peoples lives. What the writers brought was an analytical mind, combined with raw creativity and a collection of artists with keen aesthetic insights and an ability to understand the writers’ analytical minds and transcribe them into art that was both raw and somehow right for the book.

It is good to see such older works being released and providing a newer generation with a taste of what was a mind altering experience for those dark and early days of gaming, and one can only hope that they continue with the release of Realms of Chaos – ‘Lost and the Dammed.’

River Horse does Highlander

 It seems that new the year is not over for some and certainly the work load as River Horse has announced plans (apart from rumours over an Arthurian game .Ed) to produce a new board game after obtaining the license for the movie Highlander.

The company has released few details about Highlander:  The Board Game,
other than announcing that it is set in the same universe as the 1986 film staring
Christopher Lambert
, the new board game In Highlander, The Board Game, utilises an interesting concept of utilising the Immortals ability through certain circumstances like Connor is a strong choice for
the early portions of the game. His high influence (owing to his
charming personality) allows him to find the allies he needs to keep his
unique ability in use. Connor is the immortal that most relies on his
allies, his friends, and when he loses them he can harness his pain into
a weapon that can be used against his enemies.

Excerpt from River Horse Facebook page

“The first character available for play in Highlander, The Board Game is Connor MacLeod, of the clan MacLeod. 

Born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan, on the shores of Loch Shiel,
Connor MacLeod grew to manhood in the rolling highlands of Scotland. As a
youngster, he was headstrong and impetuous, a known rascal and thiever
of sheep. Kept from the worst of trouble by his kinsman, Dougal, Connor
was a favourite of his uncle, the Clan Chief, Angus MacLeod. Here, he
learned to wield a claymore and temper his rougher edges. A few
skirmishes with cattle reivers and rival clans (especially the MacLeod’s
longtime rivals, Clan Fraser) saw Connor acquit himself well enough to
gain a reputation as a courageous warrior. A handsome man, he had no
shortage of interested women, and he married his childhood sweetheart,
Kate, at the village Wishing Stone.”
River Horse Games has announced they plan both to produce the new licensed board game based upon the classic action movie Highlander through the crowd funding website ‘Kickstarter’ with a campaign to fund in January 2018.
Highlander the Boardgame Kickstarter Jan 12th 2018
Of cause River Horse is certainly no stranger to developing and creating board games and games based upon iconic films, with its successful Labyrinth:  The Board Game recently spawning a new expansion and the release The Dark Crystal a game based on Jim Hensons classic film and graphic novels of the same name. So exciting times ahead in 2018, as their can be only one.
F86b1478498906175c3d2b418c06a694 original

Over the last year, the Figure Sculpting Company Diehard Miniatures behind smash Kickstarter campaigns  Diehard: Fantasy Miniatures, and The Eru-Kin Expansion, encompassing both Fantasy and Sci-Fi miniatures; With small skirmish units to a full armies it seems are teasing something new and exciting with its latest project. The Kickstarter campaign is scheduled to launch this month.Infernals, concept art Chris Walton.
Diehard has been teasing something interesting with their latest Kickstarter, as it hints at some very old school looking but modern styling miniatures.

Now one must be honest, when one first heard about Diehard Miniatures one assumed it was another attempt to cash in on the Oldhammer Movement, as the Mission Statement

Oldhammer Reborn

Our aim is to give the highest quality 28mm Scale Sculpts with more than a nod to the past.
We have gathered a team of oldhammer Veterans to create  an exciting and nostalgic range of figures that merge the old feel with the new look.
With your help we can bring miniatures back to its roots.


stated. However, with a little bit of research, it became clear that this campaign was never going to be that and why the ongoing project is potentially at its heart what the Oldhammer Movement is about, yet pushing boundaries. Here’s why.

Despite having an unfortunate and awkward initialisation that saw Diehard Miniatures Cancel its first Project, after asking for a £35,000 goal, however it became quickly apparent that this was never going to be achieved. So they dropped the Initial project and re-Launched with a smaller request and more focused approach. It also saw that the company took time as to how it approached its campaign and this showed that Tim Prow and others were interested in what they produced, the core ethic and product rather than the bottom line and a potential jump in produce a product, grab cash and drop out again. The product its self is also one that shows the sheer craft and dedication to what they are producing with an ever growing range of dynamic and superbly sculpted miniatures that pack both cool poses and dynamic range. Kickstarter and the Internet is awash with vanity projects, half-assed sculpts and peoples latest get quick rich scheme that offers poorly or worse overworked 3D sculpted miniatures, but these they have a life and show that the time spent sculpting over the years have put the Diehard miniature Sculptures at the top of their craft and it shows.

Well the latest campaign is about to begin and this is what they have on offer;

Undead Chaos Snakeman, concept art Chris Walton.
Undead Snakemen
For those not following us on Facebook or Twitter we have announced our Undead Rising Kickstarter, launching next  Tuesday 10th  October 2017. We are following the same format as our first two KS (why fix Whats not broken!), we do however have something new! Diehard will be adding original concept art to three of the pledge levels, so if you are interested in buying some awesome art get in early as there will only 3 pieces up for grabs!!
  We are also repeating the prize draw competition of a half price order and a completely free one!! All you need do is place your pledge of £30+ or £60+ respectively before the 20th and not let it drop below the amount before the end of the campaign, its that simple 🙂
As always we have added a few other miniatures for those interested in our other factions, and we’ve got all of Diehard Miniatures back catalogue on offer as well. If you’ve missed out on a previous KS, or just want to add to miniatures you’ve already bought, then check out the ‘Add On’ section towards the bottom of the page.
  Both our previous Kickstarters shipped on time with over half shipping slightly earlier. We anticipate the same happening again this time round as most of the sculpts are already made and master moulded. Our caster is on the ball and producing some lovely stuff 🙂
  Thank you for your continued support, and I hope to see you again for our third release!!






Warbot, concept art Chris Walton.
Sci-Fi Warbot


What makes the Company interesting is it’s absolutely stacked with top talent, Chaz Elliott and Drew Williams, and the artist is Richard Luong (most recently known for his awesome work on Cthulhu Wars). At its head is the esteemed Tim Prow, a stalwart of the Miniature industry who has seen over a decade as Sculptor and Chief figure painter for Games Workshop and over the past 20 years has been seen his talents at Center Stage Miniatures, Ral Partha, AEG : Clan War, Iron Wind Metals, Reaper, Magnificent Egos and Dark Fable Miniatures amongst others. And Diehard Miniatures has gone from a personal pet project to something that is becoming a serious miniature business competitor.

However, we are also starting to see new concept art by Chris Walton who brings a whole new fresh look to the miniature concepts and art. The concept art looks dynamic and fresh, the Infernal Sci-Fi Troops have a dynamic look and yet playful, its refreshing.
So what is the future of this project, well from the Concept art and for me a lot of pain with regards one’s Wallet being hit hard the Warbot, Infernal’s and new Undead this is looking to be a great Kickstarter and a real treat:

TP: These will be 28-30mm scale figures. All the humanoids are between 28mm to 32mm (Eru-Kin starting at 28mm and Orcs at the top end at 32mm). Next size up are the snakemen at 40mm, they are slightly larger creatures and do 40mm well. Next are the ogre-sized monsters they are roughly 50mm tall (Troglodyte, Troll, and Chaos Ogre as examples). Gnomes are 20mm, Dwarf and Goblins 25mm.


Mini Gangs is a fast to play tabletop skirmish game for 2 or more players.

Mini Gangs launches on Kickstarter

The on-going entrepreneurial push that is Ramshackle Games has again brought a new system and game to Kickstarter with his latest offering ‘Mini Gangs’  a new rule set which combines ease of play with great strategic options resulting in a quick game with a lot of hidden depth. Its an ideal option for short club games, for playing a campaign and for getting beginners into tabletop battle games. a compact 12 figure, A5 Rule Book and tokens game designed around the principle of ease of play and three levels of complexity.

In Mini Gangs players control a gang of four model characters each fulfilling a different generic battlefield role. Each has its own unique style. Any of the gangs can be taken as rewards for backing this project and all are supplied in the full set reward.

This game really does offer a lot for such a simple offering and yet is it something that the market will welcome

For those that follow this Blog, one touched upon this project from Curtis a while ago, https://whispersfromtheleadbelt.blogspot.co.uk/2017/06/mini-games-new-venture-from-ramshackle.html and managed to get a couple of playtest games in.



The Keychain Mohawkswell at its core Mini Gangs is a whole new rule set from Ramshackle Games, a departure from Nuclear Renaissance with its more complex rule sets in a preference of a game that offers combined ease of play with great strategic options resulting in a quick game, however, one that provides the players with a lot of depth.
Mini Gangs can be played in three different ways, each appealing to a different level of gamer. 

Gateway– A simple and easy game for beginners. Mini Gangs Gateway is designed to teach beginners how to play tabletop strategy games. It great for children of 6 years or older as the simple rules mean it’s easy to understand. It is also good for adults who have never played model based games before. It teaches all the core concepts that are used in more complex games. The Ironstrike ClanCasual– A game for easy play and deep strategy. Mini Gangs Casual adds a deck of cards. These cards represent equipment, weapons and skills for your gang. This adds a layer of depth to the basic rules which makes it ideal for quick games. Whilst being simple, Casual makes for rewarding play. Mini Gangs Casual is great for club or gaming groups as it is a fast-paced multiplayer game. 

Hardcore– A sophisticated in-depth gaming experience. Mini Gangs Hard-core features a full points system, campaign rules and scenarios. It expands the game to be a tool for playing any skirmish level encounters with the minimum of inconvenience.

As I said one got to playtest this game when one had a chance to playtest this game and one of the things that one likes about Curtis apart from a chance to rob his miscast box is that he is generous with his thoughts and ideas that go into game design and the creative process.

DESIGNER’S NOTE – ‘a quote from Curtis’ 

“I first came up with the idea for Mini Gangs when I was trying to make a simple war game. I realised that by using one stat for each character I could make a game that was easy to memorise. The idea is that to shoot, players must roll over this number and to make a combat attack they must roll over the number. By balancing those numbers I could give a good spread of probabilities. 

With four character classes, I could represent ranged troops, combat troops and troops that were ok at both. I then added in the actions, which limit what the classes can do. For example, a healer with an Awesomeness of 2 is very bad at fighting, but would be a marksman level with a gun! Therefore the healer cannot make a shoot action. These three basic rules of under/over, actions and restrictions mean that the different battlefield roles are represented really well with minimal paperwork. 
At this point, Mini Gangs Gateway was born! It’s great for gaming with kids, or players new to tabletop gaming. I find at our local club it can be intimidating for new players to try to get into figure based tabletop battle games. Mini Gangs offers this way in, by using (and teaching) all the core concepts from our favourite strategy games.
However, Gateway doesn’t go far enough for more experienced players. I wrote out a list of additional skills and things I wanted to add to the game. In playtesting, we found that having these on cards gave us a really fun experience. Players in Casual get randomly dealt cards, which they then give out to their gang. Choosing who these go to and then using them during play builds a really deep strategic element into the game. This random setup for gangs also makes for a very speedy game turn around. After a few goes, we were finishing four player games in about forty-five minutes or less!
Once we had the cards working, I assigned points to them and the characters, meaning that players could build their own forces as they wanted. This is Mini Gangs Hard-core, and can be used to put on any kind of game you like.” 


Players select four models. These are placed on the gaming table with pre-arranged terrain on it. The table can be any size however a 2ft by 2ft table works well for 2 and unto 4 players.

Players then take turns with their gangs, each character in the gang may make one action per turn. The actions are move, shoot, fight, charge and heal. The movement rules are straightforward with models moving 10cm.

Shooting, fighting and healing require a dice roll, basically, an Action Resolution test to determine if they are successful or not by rolling under their Awesome  Stat. Conversely, they must roll over their Awesomeness Stat in order shoot or perform heal actions. Charging is a move and fight action rolled into one. However, some characters can perform actions others cannot. I.e. the healer is the only one who can make a Heal action. Characters each have one statistic, called their Awesomeness. 

Again this is a real departure from Nuclear Renaissance and many other Tabletop games which aim to provide stats for every possible action, Mini Gangs instead simplifies the statistics the whole system down to its bare bones.

What does this mean, well it makes Mini Gangs easy to play, easy to teach and surprisingly (Not in a bad or negative surprise way) great fun. This is the basic game basic game, and one that young kids and newcomers to wargaming Gateway. Casual and Hard-core use this same game engine but incorporate gang design rules, armour saves and much more. Interestingly the simple mechanics do not detract from the richness and depth of the game.


Mini Gangs On Kickstarter

£15 Mini Gang Cards

  • Full 52 Deck for the game

£20 Mini Gangs rule Book 

  • 56-page rulebook

£24 Early Bird Keychain Mohawks

  • 4 polyurethane resin figures

£24 Early Bird BFSFGFT

  • 4 polyurethane resin figures

£24 Early Bird  Ironstrike Clan

  • 4 polyurethane resin figures

£26 Resin Gang

  • 4 polyurethane resin figures

£75 Full set  

  • 12 polyurethane resin figures,
  • Gang Stretch goals
  • Grenade Tokens
  • Digital Copies of Rules
  • Quick Start Set
  • Gang Sheets


The Keychain MohawksThis is another big shift from the usual resin that Ramshackle normally uses (polyester resin), instead, this is a new high-quality polyurethane resin and while a common resin for model manufacture, it marks an interesting shift. The older style is good, however, what this means for figure production is a rigid, lightweight crisp clean and strong cast. Most Ramshackle Games models are cast Polyester and while this is great for mass production it does have limits in areas like proportional strength which means it cannot be used to produce more dynamic figure poses due to the thinner components like a sword or an arm. It also allows Curtis to sculpt much more detail into figures and for the master sculpt to carry the detail across with the model.


Like many companies these days Ramshackle is offering a sampler of their rules with a free digital download of the Casual variant which can be found below.




So what does this mean, well this will be  Ramshackle Games’ eighth Kickstarter campaign. and all the previous ones have been highly successful, with feedback being positive. It should come as no surprise that this one is looking to go the same way. 

The projections on Kicktraq seem to provoke interesting speculation, with the current charts showing.

Mini Gangs Skirmish Game -- Kicktraq Mini

and projections at time of post are at Current Pledge Levels £1,680 putting the project at 84% of the Goal, however the trend (and it is a trend, not a projection!) Trending towards £29,400 or 1470% of goal, and while I’m sure they will succeed in passing the goals and entering the stretch goal range time will tell. 

The gameplay is simple yet fun, and this really is an Intro or entry-level game where it truly emphasises that point. The rules combine a level of clever tactical play and high simplicity that anyone from small children to those new to gaming can pick this game up and start playing from a quick read of the rules. It is the sort of game that those who game are looking for to encourage their own kids into miniature gaming, Games clubs who are looking for either an Intro game or a nice little skirmish game for between games or something a little more lighter.

  However is it for those who game, well from just the gameplay one would say yes, its light refreshing and encourages tactical play regardless of experience it makes you think, the models are exquisite and highly detailed. The use of the new resin is great and something one hopes Ramshackle Games will continue to push with their figures. The new dynamic range of poses and looks are amazing and bring that spark back to the table and something that we will be looking to back, as are many others.


While Nottingham may be the Spiritual Home of tabletop gaming in the UK, Alex J Huntley is it seems to help to cement this image by helping put Nottingham on the map again internationally in both gaming and with his model making business by teaming up with Nottingham Trent University to develop and run an exciting model-making Courses. The course aims to teach you the skills to make dynamic figures that will stretch your creativity.

Image result for nottingham trent university

Model Sculpting Course

Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm, two weeks
Indicative maximum class size: 14
Nottingham has an excellent reputation in the war game and fantasy model making industries, and at NTU we are pleased to announce a repeat of this unique two-day course for enthusiasts who wish to immerse themselves in this world.
Course Code; CSCFMM
Course Dates; 28th October 2017 – 4th November 2017
Course Fee; £180.00
Course Description;  Led by Alex Huntley of Warploque Miniatures, one of the UK’s most exciting model-making companies, the course will teach you the skills to make dynamic figures that will stretch your creativity.
Over the two days, you will focus on superheroes, bizarre animals or any other creature of your imagination. The course is completely practical, so you’ll be engaging with a hands-on project from the start.
This course is open to anyone aged 16 and above.
On this course you will:
•build a simple armature
•sketch in plasticine
•sculpt in fast-drying materials
•turn a 2D design into a 3D piece of art.
What will you gain?
By the end of the two days you will have a model to take home to continue painting, and the knowledge of how to create more. The course will also introduce you to the techniques used to produce miniatures for resin and metal casting reproduction.
This course is ideal if you are interested in the war game and model making industries.
You might already have a concept you want to develop and are looking for advice and new skills, or you might want to create models purely for pleasure and your own games.

Email: creativeshortcourses@ntu.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)115 848 2813

Warploque Miniatures website

This is or looks to be an interesting and exciting project and shows how tabletop games companies can be both generous with their knowledge and engage with the hobby on many levels. For those who don’t know, Alex Huntley is the owner, writer and sculptor of the highly successful  ArcWorlde, a 32mm fantasy wargaming miniatures for gamers, painters and collectors, which launched on Kickstarter in 2013. Their original goal of £5,000 was completely blasted alt textthrough and by the end of the campaign they had managed to raise a truly massive £57,019 in pledges,  A second run at Kickstarter Battle for Troll Bridge hitting £10,663, then finally the third instalment Trouble in the North raised a whopping £21,108. Helping to expand the World of ArcWorlde into new territories.

Originally a model maker as a child Alex Huntley started to show off his works via blogs and internet forums developing a loyal following. This was then proven with the number of people who both took up interest in his original Kickstarter and also actively spent time sharing details with everyone they knew, helping to blast past the pre planned Kickstarter pledges and see sudden changes in how he was running the campaign. yourself to keep going.

Of cause there is a multitude of model making and gaming companies out there and many would wonder about the necessity of further saturating the market with another, as we have seen several just recently collapse, like Spartan Games and and Tor, however that is not what this is really about and more about helping others develop skills to create something that at the very least help to create bespoke minis and models that appeal to the maker and at best see something that is edgy and less about mass market and more about what makes you want to buy because you really appreciate the miniature, something which captures the imagination.

So who will be going to such a course and why, well anyone who has ever gamed and thought I can do better, anyone who has looked at a miniature and felt I wish they made X model or just those who want to understand how to improve existing skills and develop or new comers who are eager to start their own dreams of being a miniature designer.

So what will you be looking at with the course, well at its core people will be introduced to the skills required for creating their own three-dimensional characters and bringing their ideas to life. through the process of making Image result for alex huntley miniature sculptingsketches and taking ideas from peoples heads and develop the model through the process of creating a wire armature out of wire, and then building up modelling putties to the finished component. Learning about the creative process, through practice and the experience of both the teacher and others.
Well if you are a budding miniature game designer and want to learn how to sculpt, an existing converter who wants to develop skills or new to the hobby and fancy developing then this is something that will appeal to a lot of readers.

#Warmongers #tabletopgamingnews #WhispersfromtheLeadBelt

Ok appoligise’s for the premature release of a post, hit wrong key ?
So one picked up news about Games Workshop’s new app a few months ago, however got asked to hold off posting due to staff slip and the fear of a visit by internal security and the release the lawyer’s. (Don’t know why but always think of flying Monkey’s from The Wizard of Oz when one hears, release the Lawyer’s. Ed )
So what does this mean?


Well, the times are a changing at GW, both in terms of CEO’s and company ethos. WHFB was dropped in favour of a skirmish system, and White Dwarf shifts focus from an advertising catalogue to about the games and features. This one a popular choice. However that saw a shift  towards digital media with a Dedicated Warhammer Digital Community Channel. So it was inevitable that they looked at other areas like App’s.
The current Citadel Paint System is very comprehensive with guides that offer a straightforward method for painting models from basic to pro. And now it looks like things will get simpler with a dedicated paint App.
To quote GW;
“There’s a new app on the way designed to help you paint like a pro, whether you’re just starting out or you’re a veteran looking for a handy pocket reference guide.
We’ll have more details next week (once we’ve managed to translate the machine code our data-servitors have been outputting). In the meantime, here’s what we know so far: the Citadel Paint app will be free and almost as good as having Duncan in your pocket. Except it won’t need to be fed – so arguably even better!”
So Games Workshop have released dates for the Citadel Paint app, and theres going to be a big prize draw for those people who download it.
September 16th is the big day for the new Citadel Paint App. And 5 lucky winners will be taking home a hearty entire collection of Citadel paints for just downloading the app. 
 And it’s very simple, once you’ve download it, you’re automatically entered. Well thats easy.
The earlier the better, as every single day of the week after being downloaded, one lucky paint App user will be informed that they’ve won a aged load of paints.
The first draw being Monday the 18th, and continuing all week. The final draw being called on Friday the 22nd. Obviously grabbing the app sooner  provides greater chances of winning.
And the app is free!
Of cause this is not the first company to look at apps and digital media, as Mantic Games have looked at apps to assist with the hobby as have others, however one rather suspects that this will not be just a paint App for Games Workshop.  The redevelopment of Warhammer Community, a dedicated website, channel, videos, tutorials and engaging with the community has been a breath of fresh air and maybe a pointer to where this App is going.
So what do I think it will mean? one feels that the App offers real opportunity to engage the audience who may not engage via the Community Aspect of the website, but will via the app, so painting and modeling tutorials available via the app, step by step guides?  Something that a phone/tablet app could make real strides in helping people with painting or conversions, not many have a pc next to painting stations. One feels that the app will also link in other aspects of the hobby like send us your painted miniature photos, conversion Ideas and show others or better yet, find a colour match in our paint range. It also offers opportunities for targeted advertising which makes sense from a free App.
With this in mind, it looks like GW is pushing the Community aspect of the hobby with even a basic app, so there’s literally no reason not to download it.

Ok just a quick one and a pre warm-up to the event, the local branch of the Primus Shard (A collective name for groups who play Gates of Antares), Nottingham have teamed up with Warlord Games to offer a charity campaign event with proceeds going to the Firefighters and Air Ambulance Service. Tickets are £15 & include lunch!Expect to play 3 scenarios using your 750 point forces.They are also offering Prizes for:
Best Looking Army,
Sportsmanship, most unlucky,
plus a painting competition for all Antarean armies,
Single figures and units.Kick off at 10am finishing at 5pm Saturday 9th September 2017Having previously run events like Gates of Antares Tournaments, as well as participation and demonstration games, the club has come together to put on the charity fundraiser at Warlord games HQ, Store Centre which is where the group’s numerous members meet each Tuesday. To find out more about the Gates of Antares event please check out the link below and will see a full review after the event, .Gates of Antares Charity Event http://www.warlordgames.com/event/antares-charity-boot-camp/ by Warlord games 9th SeptA4_LANDSCAPE
#warlordgames #GatesofAntares #Nottsevents #WhatsonNotts


So it seems like Nottingham is living up to its reputation as the Gaming development hub with the latest news from two new games companies, Room 17 a Board games Company and new start-up Needy Cat Games James Hewitt formally of GW. 

Room17 gAMES, The first official whiff of information about this latest endeavor came from Room17 Via Twitter with the following tweet and
who teased that they were excited to be working with James Hewitt now the mastermind of Needy Cat Games. So while “We don’t know what this new project I’ve got some ideas”, It does show that a new and dynamic company with an experienced  designer and Writer with decades of experience at Games Workshop Ltd, in roles such as Games design and development,  writing, for  Mantic games as a Game developer and rule writer, GW’s specialist games. Lead designer for Blood Bowl’s 2016 the re-launch and ex-manager of the Hobbies Centre, he brings quite a litany of talents to the board.  Although it’s far from concrete confirmation of what development stage the game is at. Now, we remain back at square one, with much speculation and little concrete information.

However, it also seems that a new company has been busy in Nottingham and that is Room 17 Operating in Ruddington, only 2 months old this company has already started to show that it can produce some amazing products and innovative ideas with its first game Museum Rush.

Museum Rush Contents Sheet

The game play its self looks to be fun, with “Each turn pick up a new cards, move and probably try to swipe a priceless exhibit stealing, cracking locks and getting caught on Camera will have the guards running in your direction, so hopefully you’ve picked up some handy item to deal with them…Museum Rush Contents SheetIf you get caught, you’ll be thrown out of the museum and your ill-gotten gains confiscated. You’ll just have to break in again and steal some more!

3D printed Sample of Miniature

Make sure you’ve escaped with your loot before the time runs out – when the last Clock card is drawn the game is over, and the player who escapes with the most valuable loot and treasure wins.”
imageThis is a game for up to 4 players and expected play between 20 and 40 minutes so a casual one that offers the potential for a lot of fun for those looking for a light game to play with friends or a game to play between games in a club.


Ok update, latest news got off the press,

“Yes Mate! Museum Rush is coming to Kickstarter, campaign goes live on the 30th of October just after Essen Spiel!  https://t.co/cLo16ti4E9 “
Nottingham Gamer Petitions Ikea to build Gaming Tables

Ok a bit of light news for a change, with everything being so heavy and dark in the news its always nice to have something that raises a smile and the spirits.

Image result for board gaming table examples (Table an example only and not to be confused with any Ikea actual products)

(Table an example only and not to be 
confused with any 
IKEA actual products)

Brad Smoley it seems is it seems both passionate about gaming and socially aware with regards how many in the community are cash strapped in these hard times and so has decided to petition IKEA to help out the fellows gamers by having them design, build and sell gaming tables. However this is not as crazy as it might sound.
There has in the community been several attempts over the years to develop a gaming table that provides for the gaming community at large and as a family dining table. However funding and costs have always made this inappropriate.
Brad Smoley it seems is it seems both passionate about gaming and socially aware with regards how many in the community are cash strapped in these hard times and so has decided to petition IKEA to help out the fellows gamers by having them design, build and sell gaming tables. However this is not as crazy as it might sound.

And here is why Brad decided to petition IKEA, as an industry leader in sleek and well designed home furniture with an ethos that started as an idea in the woods of southern Sweden more than 70 years ago and what now has become ‘The IKEA Concept’ an ever evolving design processes still improving. So if they are ever evolving and designing new lines then it is reasonable that a product that could see grow in sales would be something that they would be interested in and it would allow gamers who already buy book cases and storage units for games to extend the look to a table.

With IKEA’s existing ranges and lighting ideas this could turn out to be something of a game changer (No pun intended) and one I would very much like to see happen.

Brad Smoley’s Letter to IKEA


The board gaming community is passionate and particular about their gaming accessories. They are also a large group with disposable income. There have been many attempts in the community to develop a high-quality table appropriate for both dining and gaming, but few have been affordable enough for the community at large to enjoy.

That is why this petition has been created. IKEA is an industry leader in creating multi-functional furniture at affordable prices. The tabletop gaming community is already a heavy user of IKEA’s KALLAX product as it is an efficient way to store and display their gaming collections.

An affordable multi-function dining table designed by IKEA with an under-table storage area/gaming surface would be an incredible addition to not only IKEA’s line up of products, but the board gaming community’s list of essential gaming accessories.

And the Petition has been open a couple of days and has already garnered over Twenty two thousand petitioners, Let’s make it happen!

Petition Ikea to design and Sell a Gaming Table