Specials & Specialist Gaming

Specials and Specialist Gaming are what we consider one offs and unique events that embody the best of the games club and are either a day or evening event, one that embraces the game and the fun social aspect of gaming in a  friendly open atmosphere. So what you can look forward to:

The games played each night at the club are extremely varied, and while board games are a big feature we also have fans and players of Warhammer (8th edition Fantasy, 40k and Age of Sigmar), X-wing, Malifaux and Bolt Action. In addition to more traditional Wargames, we also have groups who regularly play RPGs.

Organized Play exists to help you explore more of those possibilities. By supporting a wide range of events and gaming experiences,  our previous organised plays saw an X-Wing night, a Bolt Action Sunday and a Gaslands Session. Our players found it helped with new and varied army lists, find more games, meet more players, explore more gaming opportunities.

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The Games Club is though at its heart a place to play games and the more people who pop down and game the greater the number of new opportunities and gaming ties we can find. Nottinghamshire and the surrounding places have a wealth of great gaming companies and players, we aim to see that we all get a chance to meet and great.

Themed Sessions.

So while we operate many nights for a particular game or subset, this allows players and gamers to set up particular nights, arrange games of or set up leagues.

Its also a great opportunity to set up multi events to tie a game to a movement and community action, with activities like HobbySpotz Hobby Hangouts on a Thursday Night/

This would usually be a free for all as people engage on their own pet hobbies, but on themed session we aim to get everyone interested on a game assembling, painting and organising their forces. Then game the following day or the weekend.

It helps create a sense of cohesion and comradery.

Whats Going on

Quiet Gaming Sessions

Join us for our special Quiet Gaming Sessions – all the same fun of our Tuesday Nights Board Gaming Sessions but with much less hustle and bustle!

Its a quieter spot which provides an atmosphere in which to explore and enjoy board and tabletop, but withan understanding as to the sensitive needs of visitors within autistic spectrum or other communication and sensory conditions. The session takes place usually on a Sunday 4pm till 8pm, during our usual opening hours. Siblings, families, carers and friends are welcome.

Tournament play

We have also seen organized Tournament play and a team up with a local Card Games Organiser and groups and ProjectTHISNG, which saw over 50 players testing their skills at a Yu-Gi-Oh. It allowed players to test their skills, both in card play and skill, with the usual inter game friendlies.

Bolt Action Sunday Gaming provides opportunities for new army lists, innovative play styles and historical thematic squads for custom events and play styles. with the new army lists and rules from Warlord Games and complete innovative new challenges.

When you play in our Special Events and Organized Play, you’ll become part of the larger gaming community and engage in something that helps cross all social and political and the sexual orientation. We aim to see people having fun and enjoying themselves.

And last, but not least…

There is also the Opportunity to learn about HobbySpotz and ProjectTHISNG, with our Hobby Space and Community Space. We also have ties to the local gaming community (Tabletop Industry Coffee Mornings and Socials) and those who run it from makers to designers and artists and writers.


We are part of ProjectTHISNg (see above,) however we also work with and part of the overall groups to help facilitate playtesting for developing and experienced game designers.

We realize that playtesting is one of the more crucial aspects of game development and testing which helps you the designers understand where your players perspective lies. we also understand that Predicting players and how they play your game and read the rules varies with ever players experience. Player enjoyment and experience plays a huge role in player retention, and this is where playtesting comes in handy.

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We can help with.

  • Gross Playtesting: Test the most basic running model of the game, help you look out for the basic faults in the gameplay.
  • Private (NDA) Playtesting: Carried out by contracted play testers. To find more glitches in gameplay and formulate the game for broader testing.
  • Blind Testing: A group of testers whith  no prior experience of the game tests it during blind testing.
  • Final Playtesting: it is the last phase of playtesting, and is done before the game launch. This playtesting version is close to the final version of the game.

We have players who can help you and your game.

Looking to run an event?

Ok we are looking for people who wish to run events/games/demo’s an players to join in with them.

So a shout out to those interested to Shout out if you wish to run or play in any of the Games, and what games you plan to bring along. We will look to organise table Space.

The Nottingham Board and Wargames Club are made up of gamers who are passionate about gaming and would welcome everyone who is interested in tabletop gaming or just an old hand to pop down and get involved. Also do check out the NB&WGC Facebook page and chat to us there as well.

You can Message Gary Powell @ Nottingham Wargames Clun via FB to chat about this.


#Nottingham #Notts #Boardgaming #Tabletopgames #Tabletopgaming

Ok the Basics

Stay at home

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home

Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.


We do have a range of ideas and suggestions for those that are interested in playing board games and still wanting to engage in social activities can do so and get some ideas here.


Ok UKGov Advice

Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do


Stay at home

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home

Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.

1. When am I allowed to leave the house?

You should only leave the house for very limited purposes:

  • shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible
  • one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household
  • any medical need, including to donate blood, avoid or escape risk of injury or harm, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
  • travelling for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home

2. Can I go to the dentist, my GP or another medical appointment?

You can leave home for medical appointments.

GP practices may postpone non-urgent health checks or routine appointments.

You should go to the doctor if there is an essential medical need.

3. Can I walk my dog / look after my horse?

Yes – provided it is alone or with members of your household.

People must stay at home as much as possible to reduce the spread of the virus. But you can also still go outside once a day for a walk, run, cycle. When doing this you must minimise the time you are out of your home and stay at least two metres away from anyone else that isn’t from your household.

4. Should I stay at home or go to work?

You may travel for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home.

Certain jobs require people to travel to their place of work – for instance if they operate machinery, work in construction or manufacturing, or are delivering front line services such as train and bus drivers.

Employers and employees should discuss their working arrangements, and employers should take every possible step to facilitate their employees working from home, including providing suitable IT and equipment to enable remote working.

5. I’m not a critical worker and I can’t work from home. What should I do?

If you cannot work from home then you can still travel to work. This is consistent with the Chief Medical Officer’s advice.

Critical workers are those who can still take their children to school or childcare. This critical worker definition does not affect whether or not you can travel to work – if you are not a critical worker, you may still travel to work provided you cannot work from home.

Anyone who has symptoms or is in a household where someone has symptoms should not go to work and should self-isolate.

6. How can I find out if my work is essential or not?

The government is not saying only people doing “essential” work can go to work. Anyone who cannot work from home can still go to work.

Separately, there is a list of critical workers who can still take their children to school or childcare. Provision has been prioritised for these workers.

Every worker – whether critical or not – should work from home if they can but may otherwise travel to work.

We have also asked certain businesses where people gather, such as pubs and most shops, to close. Separate guidance has been published on this.

7. Can I see my friends?

We must all stay away from each other to stop spreading the virus, and that means you should not be meeting friends unless you live in the same household.

Instead, you could keep in touch with your friends using phone or video calls.

8. Can I visit elderly relatives?

No, you should not be visiting family members who do not live in your home.

You should keep in touch with them using phone or video calls.

Where your relatives are elderly or vulnerable, you may leave your house to help them, for example by dropping shopping or medication at their door. You can also help them to order online.

9. Can I go out to help a vulnerable person?

You can only provide support to vulnerable people if you fulfil all of the conditions below:

  • you are well and have no symptoms like a cough or high temperature and nobody in your household does
  • you are under 70
  • you are not pregnant
  • you do not have any long-term health conditions that make you vulnerable to coronavirus

If the answer is yes to everything above, you may leave your house to provide care or to help a vulnerable person, following the advice set out here.

When outside the home, you should stay at least two metres away from others wherever possible.

We have seen an incredible effort across the country already, and we’re hugely grateful to those who support the vulnerable in their communities by volunteering day-to-day.

10. My boss is forcing me to go to work but I’m scared of coronavirus. What should I do?

Employers must make all efforts to help people to work from home where possible, as this will help limit the spread of the virus by reducing the amount of contact between people.

In some circumstances this may be impossible – this would apply to those working for a business or organisation that we have not asked to close and requires them to travel and be at work, such as train or bus drivers, construction workers, restaurant workers handling deliveries or those on the frontline like NHS workers.

For these workers who need to be at work, do not have symptoms or live with anyone who has symptoms, and are not vulnerable people, we have outlined clear guidance for employers to help protect workers.

11. I can’t go to work because I need to look after my child, but my boss is threatening to sack me if I don’t. What should I do?

We would urge employers to take socially responsible decisions and listen to the concerns of their workforce – particularly when they have childcare responsibilities.

Employers and employees should come to an agreement about these arrangements.

If individuals need advice they should approach ACAS where they can get impartial advice about in-work disputes.

12. Can I move house?

Homebuyers and renters should, where possible, delay moving to a new house while measures are in place to fight coronavirus.

If moving is unavoidable for contractual reasons and the parties are unable to reach an agreement to delay, people must follow advice on staying away from others to minimise the spread of the virus.

13. Can I go to the park?

You can still go to the park for outdoor exercise once a day but only alone or with members of your household, not in groups.

Communal places within parks such as sports courts, playgrounds and outdoor gyms have been closed to protect everyone’s health.

We ask that households use parks responsibly and keep 2 metres apart from others at all times.

Unless you are with members of your household, gatherings of more than two people in parks and other public spaces have been banned. The police have the powers to disperse gatherings and issue fines if necessary.

14. Can I drive to a national park or other green space to walk?

We advise you to stay local and use open spaces near to your home where possible – do not travel unnecessarily.

You can still go to the park for outdoor exercise once a day but only by yourself or within your household, not in groups.

We ask you to keep 2 metres apart from others outside your household at all times when outdoors.

15. What will happen to me if I break the rules?

We appreciate all the effort people are putting into containing the spread of coronavirus which will help protect our NHS and save lives.

However, if you leave your home or gather in public for any reason other than those specified, the police may:

  • instruct you to go home, leave an area or disperse
  • instruct you to take steps to stop your children breaking these rules if they have already done so
  • take you home – or arrest you – if you do not follow their instructions or where they deem it necessary
  • issue a fine (fixed penalty notice) of £60, which will be lowered to £30 if paid within 14 days.
  • issue a fine (fixed penalty notice) of £120 for second time offenders, doubling on each further repeat offence

Individuals who do not pay their fine could be taken to court, with magistrates able to impose unlimited fines.





River Horse does Highlander

 It seems that new the year is not over for some and certainly the work load as River Horse has announced plans (apart from rumours over an Arthurian game .Ed) to produce a new board game after obtaining the license for the movie Highlander.

The company has released few details about Highlander:  The Board Game,
other than announcing that it is set in the same universe as the 1986 film staring
Christopher Lambert
, the new board game In Highlander, The Board Game, utilises an interesting concept of utilising the Immortals ability through certain circumstances like Connor is a strong choice for
the early portions of the game. His high influence (owing to his
charming personality) allows him to find the allies he needs to keep his
unique ability in use. Connor is the immortal that most relies on his
allies, his friends, and when he loses them he can harness his pain into
a weapon that can be used against his enemies.

Excerpt from River Horse Facebook page

“The first character available for play in Highlander, The Board Game is Connor MacLeod, of the clan MacLeod. 

Born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan, on the shores of Loch Shiel,
Connor MacLeod grew to manhood in the rolling highlands of Scotland. As a
youngster, he was headstrong and impetuous, a known rascal and thiever
of sheep. Kept from the worst of trouble by his kinsman, Dougal, Connor
was a favourite of his uncle, the Clan Chief, Angus MacLeod. Here, he
learned to wield a claymore and temper his rougher edges. A few
skirmishes with cattle reivers and rival clans (especially the MacLeod’s
longtime rivals, Clan Fraser) saw Connor acquit himself well enough to
gain a reputation as a courageous warrior. A handsome man, he had no
shortage of interested women, and he married his childhood sweetheart,
Kate, at the village Wishing Stone.”
River Horse Games has announced they plan both to produce the new licensed board game based upon the classic action movie Highlander through the crowd funding website ‘Kickstarter’ with a campaign to fund in January 2018.
Highlander the Boardgame Kickstarter Jan 12th 2018
Of cause River Horse is certainly no stranger to developing and creating board games and games based upon iconic films, with its successful Labyrinth:  The Board Game recently spawning a new expansion and the release The Dark Crystal a game based on Jim Hensons classic film and graphic novels of the same name. So exciting times ahead in 2018, as their can be only one.
Sky Relics: Fleet Action navel 1:2400 scale skirmish game, now on Kickstarter
Ok while I am aware this is a blog about local Lead Belt news, however one of the illustrators is from the leadbelt and assists with the running of the games club that we are affiliated with so I will cover it. It also highlights how companies and gaming companies are now more multi world lead rather than just a couple of local guys, yet how the gaming community embraces local and world in the same approach.

Sky Relics: Fleet Action

Sky Relics: Fleet Core

Sky relics is a Battlefleet game, where players command fleets of Iron Hulks to do battle in the skies for their Nation or for glory.”

’20th November 2017, Today Sky Relics LLC Announces the release of a new Fleet Action skirmish level game at 1:2400 Scale Sky Ships set in the Mysterious World of Targus.’

This new release from Sky Relics builds upon the history and knowledge of the previous systems and experience, to develop this new and exciting 1:2400 scale navel skyship game. Players begin by placing relevant numbers of highly detailed resin skyships called Sky Relics in place, and through clever manoeuvres and dice rolls attempt to fulfil the objectives of the game or kill their opponents, to determine success or failure.
“We’re incredibly excited to be bringing Sky Relic Games’ best previous game properties to life in this amazing new venture,” said Derek Heath in a press release podcast. “Sky Relics really is made up of very creative types who love tabletop miniature wargames, roleplay games and board games and we are striving to create games that capture the best aspects of all the gaming media to both entertain and develop the game with our fans and backers.”


The skirmish rules are designed to be simple to learn but pack hidden layers of complexity and teach new players while allowing more experienced one’s opportunities to develop winning strategies through careful manoeuvres and placement strategies. The aim, A high tech fantasy dice game where you Build your fleet and rise up to defeat your enemies in this 2-5 player miniature board game based in the world of Targus. Playing the Game Players take on the role of Ship captains, using the ancient Artefact magic’s and technology to control your air ships Ships are represented by highly detailed resin miniatures Each turn players plan their moves and organise their ships in the order they wish to play them. Tactics and Strategy cards to enhance your Sky Ship, sabotage your opponents and change the direction of the game Variety of Play: includes skirmish battles and an adventure mode to consistently update and expand your captain’s story.

Why buy the game??? A combination of card and Miniature driven mechanics with a streamlined combat system Exposes a game theme to a broad range of people & play styles Easy to set up, take down and store. Just stuff back in box Part of an expanding system, which will evolve over time
Sky Relics – Fleet Action is a 2+ player game, for ages 13 an older and takes approximately 45-90 Minutes to play, and the box set includes;

Components 14 Skyships: Large Resin Miniature Figurines Inc,

3: Corvos Corvettes,
2: Xiphos Frigates,
1: Saber Destroyer,
1: Longsword Cruiser,
3: War winds Corvettes,
2: War Iron Frigates,
1: War Datru Destroyer,
1: Axler Cruiser
28 Ship Cards
30 mods crew cards
2 captain cards Two movement templates
Dice 8d10’s 12d6’s.
2d8 Rule Book 11″x8.5″ 6 hex titles with printed backs for total 12 types

Who are Sky Relics

Derek is in charge of the business operations for the company, and is the primary designer of the game’s look and feel as well as a lot of the rules. Matt has been assisting with areas like graphic design, writing and aspects of the social media and web aspects of the company. For this new and invigorated version, both these two have had a hand in providing the stunning artwork, assisted in rules and operation by Michael Prefontaine, Jose Luis San Sanchez Castro and Dennis Seiffert. Sky Relics LLC is an independent developer and publisher, established over 5 years ago, and have self-published game rules, produced high-quality resin cast miniatures and printable material. Visit us at below:
Press Release packs and information are available here: Press Pack & Images or https://goo.gl/VhJWTR 

FACEBOOK facebook.com/SkyRelicsGames/
TWITTER Twitter.com/skyrelics
BOARDGAMEGEEK boardgamegeek.com/Sky-relics
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/skyrelics/
SKETCHFAB: sketchfab.com/skyrelics

Ok firstly I appreciate I have been tardy one has not posted, reason is a host of family emergencies, dad V’s gin which saw him in hospital, mum ill, helping to run a kickstarter, own ll health, design work and painting commissions, as well as assisting in running a Games Club in Nottingham, designing t-shirts and websites for them, etc.
SO I am in on this and trying to catch up so please bear with us.

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Over the last year, the Figure Sculpting Company Diehard Miniatures behind smash Kickstarter campaigns  Diehard: Fantasy Miniatures, and The Eru-Kin Expansion, encompassing both Fantasy and Sci-Fi miniatures; With small skirmish units to a full armies it seems are teasing something new and exciting with its latest project. The Kickstarter campaign is scheduled to launch this month.Infernals, concept art Chris Walton.
Diehard has been teasing something interesting with their latest Kickstarter, as it hints at some very old school looking but modern styling miniatures.

Now one must be honest, when one first heard about Diehard Miniatures one assumed it was another attempt to cash in on the Oldhammer Movement, as the Mission Statement

Oldhammer Reborn

Our aim is to give the highest quality 28mm Scale Sculpts with more than a nod to the past.
We have gathered a team of oldhammer Veterans to create  an exciting and nostalgic range of figures that merge the old feel with the new look.
With your help we can bring miniatures back to its roots.


stated. However, with a little bit of research, it became clear that this campaign was never going to be that and why the ongoing project is potentially at its heart what the Oldhammer Movement is about, yet pushing boundaries. Here’s why.

Despite having an unfortunate and awkward initialisation that saw Diehard Miniatures Cancel its first Project, after asking for a £35,000 goal, however it became quickly apparent that this was never going to be achieved. So they dropped the Initial project and re-Launched with a smaller request and more focused approach. It also saw that the company took time as to how it approached its campaign and this showed that Tim Prow and others were interested in what they produced, the core ethic and product rather than the bottom line and a potential jump in produce a product, grab cash and drop out again. The product its self is also one that shows the sheer craft and dedication to what they are producing with an ever growing range of dynamic and superbly sculpted miniatures that pack both cool poses and dynamic range. Kickstarter and the Internet is awash with vanity projects, half-assed sculpts and peoples latest get quick rich scheme that offers poorly or worse overworked 3D sculpted miniatures, but these they have a life and show that the time spent sculpting over the years have put the Diehard miniature Sculptures at the top of their craft and it shows.

Well the latest campaign is about to begin and this is what they have on offer;

Undead Chaos Snakeman, concept art Chris Walton.
Undead Snakemen
For those not following us on Facebook or Twitter we have announced our Undead Rising Kickstarter, launching next  Tuesday 10th  October 2017. We are following the same format as our first two KS (why fix Whats not broken!), we do however have something new! Diehard will be adding original concept art to three of the pledge levels, so if you are interested in buying some awesome art get in early as there will only 3 pieces up for grabs!!
  We are also repeating the prize draw competition of a half price order and a completely free one!! All you need do is place your pledge of £30+ or £60+ respectively before the 20th and not let it drop below the amount before the end of the campaign, its that simple 🙂
As always we have added a few other miniatures for those interested in our other factions, and we’ve got all of Diehard Miniatures back catalogue on offer as well. If you’ve missed out on a previous KS, or just want to add to miniatures you’ve already bought, then check out the ‘Add On’ section towards the bottom of the page.
  Both our previous Kickstarters shipped on time with over half shipping slightly earlier. We anticipate the same happening again this time round as most of the sculpts are already made and master moulded. Our caster is on the ball and producing some lovely stuff 🙂
  Thank you for your continued support, and I hope to see you again for our third release!!






Warbot, concept art Chris Walton.
Sci-Fi Warbot


What makes the Company interesting is it’s absolutely stacked with top talent, Chaz Elliott and Drew Williams, and the artist is Richard Luong (most recently known for his awesome work on Cthulhu Wars). At its head is the esteemed Tim Prow, a stalwart of the Miniature industry who has seen over a decade as Sculptor and Chief figure painter for Games Workshop and over the past 20 years has been seen his talents at Center Stage Miniatures, Ral Partha, AEG : Clan War, Iron Wind Metals, Reaper, Magnificent Egos and Dark Fable Miniatures amongst others. And Diehard Miniatures has gone from a personal pet project to something that is becoming a serious miniature business competitor.

However, we are also starting to see new concept art by Chris Walton who brings a whole new fresh look to the miniature concepts and art. The concept art looks dynamic and fresh, the Infernal Sci-Fi Troops have a dynamic look and yet playful, its refreshing.
So what is the future of this project, well from the Concept art and for me a lot of pain with regards one’s Wallet being hit hard the Warbot, Infernal’s and new Undead this is looking to be a great Kickstarter and a real treat:

TP: These will be 28-30mm scale figures. All the humanoids are between 28mm to 32mm (Eru-Kin starting at 28mm and Orcs at the top end at 32mm). Next size up are the snakemen at 40mm, they are slightly larger creatures and do 40mm well. Next are the ogre-sized monsters they are roughly 50mm tall (Troglodyte, Troll, and Chaos Ogre as examples). Gnomes are 20mm, Dwarf and Goblins 25mm.


Kore Thinking, which scored Kickstarter successes with its first 3D vehicle miniature ‘The Kore Aeronautics LARC; a VTOL for 32mm Sci-Fi Wargaming’, has headed back to the crowdfunding site with a new project to bring high-quality Miniatures to the Gaming table. Using innovative Marketing, superb 3d sculpting and 21st Century tech! Kore Automotive has Launched its second Kickstarter aiming squarely at the Wargame market with a range of Cars are modelled in 32mm scale and fit beautifully with a range of Tabletop and Wargames miniatures.

Tabletop Cars - 32mm -- Kicktraq MiniKore Projects aim is to provide the funding for the production of SUV, Saloon Car, 4×4 Pickup, Classic Taxi, Muscle car,  through a Kickstarter campaign that has currently  (at time of writing) attracted £2,156 pledged of £500 goal with 8 days to go.  Blasting past what Kore was initially, looking for £500 to enable them to begin production of the first of our Kickstarter Vehicles the Family Saloon car!

3d Master Print of SaloonThe difference with this Kickstarter is that Kore has some of the 3D printed Masters for the initial designs which means that initial production is already along its path and Kore can make alterations. A spokesperson for Kore was quoted as saying that, ‘The Masters are already with us, and we are delighted with the quality – the following photos don’t show the wheels or wing mirrors, as we only have 1 set of Masters to use and don’t want to go gluing them in until after we have lifted Moulds from them.

Saloon Car 3d RenderOne has to say from the initial look the cars do not seem to pack much detail, however, what they do show that the product is exactly what you would expect and that is a 32mm scale vehicle and with enough detail to make it useable. One rather suspects that with the inundation of overworked 3d models out there one gets used to thinking in those terms rather than appreciating that this is exactly what the model should look like and that it is in a scale that works for gamers on the table.

So the Pledges and what you get.

Well, the Kickstarter has funded four designs funded, it so one should look at the pledges and what Kore are offering.

Pledge levels
We are keeping this Kickstarter as simple as possible! (This is a smart move as it keeps the project simple and allows those not familiar with Kickstarter an easy understanding, (However that is another bugbear and argument.Ed))
There are 3 Pledge levels;
1st Gear Pledge Level1st Gear Pledge Level
For the 1st Gear Pledge Level you can select any 1 Vehicle of your choice from all that we fund!
2nd Gear Pledge Level2nd Gear Pledge Level
For the 2nd Gear Pledge Level you can select any 2 Vehicles of your choice from all that we fund!
Top Gear Pledge LevelTop Gear Pledge Level

The pledge options also allow Pledges of expanding – you can pledge for as many Vehicles as you like, at any quantity and variation you like.  Simply add +£10 per design you want after the first 3.
I.e. you’d like 2 x Saloons and 2 x SUV’s, simply take the £30 Pledge and add +£10.  Do you want 6 x Luxury 4×4’s? Select the £30 pledge and add +£30, and so forth.

3D Printing

As you can see from the picture of the SUV and the pipework that goes into its creation, 3D printing is not something that is easy to set up and get into mass production, the models require extra work cleaning up after printing with the post-production, cutting, grinding, sanding and smoothing out before anyone can even think of creating masters from resin or other production means. Yet the company has taken this into account and are keeping this project manageable.

Thoughts and Scale Creep

While there are many Sci-Fi models to go with the 28-32mm figures, they have a tendency to be expensive and the selection is limited, and yet, however, dinky or toy cars are made in a variety of scales and as many a gamer has seen can be bought cheaply. The problem is that a 28mm/32mm figure is not a correct model scale of a person, however, many modern figures have an odd proportion, with an extra bulk and larger head size. A 1:60 scale is correct or near enough for a 28mm miniature, yet as discussed it looks odd. 1:43, after all, looks right but is not quite correct, and even though the height scale might be correct on the table, they look odd.

The biggest issue with most models with regards tabletop gaming is that with scale creep and variance in model sizes vehicles usually do not fit properly or look disproportionate, however from the scale picture to the left you can see that these really do fit in regards most models and for anyone running skirmish level modern warfare or post-apocalyptic games at 28-32mm then these vehicles are going to fit very nicely.

So what can we see with this particular Kickstarter, well while one will admit this is not Nottingham, though just a little outside and was asked as one of the Games Club Members is backing and mentioned that it would be worth taking a look. Well, I can see a lot of people taking a serious look at the project as the prices and options are very tempting. The range of vehicles is also reasonable and cover the widest range of options for such a small number of options. The taxi is very cool and could fit into many games Inc. Pulp action and Sci-fi, while the Pick-up truck can easily be found in games of ‘The Walking Dead’ or modern skirmish games like Middle Eastern wars, or Post-apocalyptic games. The muscle cars could work nicely for a more street racing style of game or just lined up as scenery along a road.

This is a Kickstarter that is both practical and useful, of use rather than a vanity project.


While Nottingham may be the Spiritual Home of tabletop gaming in the UK, Alex J Huntley is it seems to help to cement this image by helping put Nottingham on the map again internationally in both gaming and with his model making business by teaming up with Nottingham Trent University to develop and run an exciting model-making Courses. The course aims to teach you the skills to make dynamic figures that will stretch your creativity.

Image result for nottingham trent university

Model Sculpting Course

Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm, two weeks
Indicative maximum class size: 14
Nottingham has an excellent reputation in the war game and fantasy model making industries, and at NTU we are pleased to announce a repeat of this unique two-day course for enthusiasts who wish to immerse themselves in this world.
Course Code; CSCFMM
Course Dates; 28th October 2017 – 4th November 2017
Course Fee; £180.00
Course Description;  Led by Alex Huntley of Warploque Miniatures, one of the UK’s most exciting model-making companies, the course will teach you the skills to make dynamic figures that will stretch your creativity.
Over the two days, you will focus on superheroes, bizarre animals or any other creature of your imagination. The course is completely practical, so you’ll be engaging with a hands-on project from the start.
This course is open to anyone aged 16 and above.
On this course you will:
•build a simple armature
•sketch in plasticine
•sculpt in fast-drying materials
•turn a 2D design into a 3D piece of art.
What will you gain?
By the end of the two days you will have a model to take home to continue painting, and the knowledge of how to create more. The course will also introduce you to the techniques used to produce miniatures for resin and metal casting reproduction.
This course is ideal if you are interested in the war game and model making industries.
You might already have a concept you want to develop and are looking for advice and new skills, or you might want to create models purely for pleasure and your own games.

Email: creativeshortcourses@ntu.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)115 848 2813

Warploque Miniatures website

This is or looks to be an interesting and exciting project and shows how tabletop games companies can be both generous with their knowledge and engage with the hobby on many levels. For those who don’t know, Alex Huntley is the owner, writer and sculptor of the highly successful  ArcWorlde, a 32mm fantasy wargaming miniatures for gamers, painters and collectors, which launched on Kickstarter in 2013. Their original goal of £5,000 was completely blasted alt textthrough and by the end of the campaign they had managed to raise a truly massive £57,019 in pledges,  A second run at Kickstarter Battle for Troll Bridge hitting £10,663, then finally the third instalment Trouble in the North raised a whopping £21,108. Helping to expand the World of ArcWorlde into new territories.

Originally a model maker as a child Alex Huntley started to show off his works via blogs and internet forums developing a loyal following. This was then proven with the number of people who both took up interest in his original Kickstarter and also actively spent time sharing details with everyone they knew, helping to blast past the pre planned Kickstarter pledges and see sudden changes in how he was running the campaign. yourself to keep going.

Of cause there is a multitude of model making and gaming companies out there and many would wonder about the necessity of further saturating the market with another, as we have seen several just recently collapse, like Spartan Games and and Tor, however that is not what this is really about and more about helping others develop skills to create something that at the very least help to create bespoke minis and models that appeal to the maker and at best see something that is edgy and less about mass market and more about what makes you want to buy because you really appreciate the miniature, something which captures the imagination.

So who will be going to such a course and why, well anyone who has ever gamed and thought I can do better, anyone who has looked at a miniature and felt I wish they made X model or just those who want to understand how to improve existing skills and develop or new comers who are eager to start their own dreams of being a miniature designer.

So what will you be looking at with the course, well at its core people will be introduced to the skills required for creating their own three-dimensional characters and bringing their ideas to life. through the process of making Image result for alex huntley miniature sculptingsketches and taking ideas from peoples heads and develop the model through the process of creating a wire armature out of wire, and then building up modelling putties to the finished component. Learning about the creative process, through practice and the experience of both the teacher and others.
Well if you are a budding miniature game designer and want to learn how to sculpt, an existing converter who wants to develop skills or new to the hobby and fancy developing then this is something that will appeal to a lot of readers.

#Warmongers #tabletopgamingnews #WhispersfromtheLeadBelt

Jim Henson’s ‘The Dark Crystal’ comes to the Board Game Market

The dark genius that is Jim Henson has inspire River Horse games and Jim Henson the perfect Mix? Dark Crystal Board Game.d a multitude of comics, TV shows and stories, and recently it Inspired River Horse games and Alessio Cavatore to create the Labyrinth the Board game. Yet it seems this was just a prelude to something of a run on Henson’s range with a new game, this time based on the dark epic fantasy, The Dark Crystal.

Board Game,
for 2 to 4 players
RRP: £40 / $52


Box Contents

• 4 highly collectable figurine renditions of the main characters: 2 Gelflings – Jen and Kira (with Fizzgig!). 2 Skeksis – skekSil the Chamberlain and skekUng the Garthim-Master


• Rules booklet – 24 pages.
• 2′ × 2′ game board – lavishly illustrated with inspiring new artwork featuring all the legendary places from the movie, including Aughra’s Observatory, the Valley of the Stones and the Crystal Castle.
• 25 World cards, 9 Mystic cards, 7 Skeksis cards and 15 Minion cards.
• Over 20 game tokens.
• 6 polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20)
• 4 character sheets and 4 Special Ability cards.
• Cardboard stand-ups and bases: 4 Garthim, 1 Slave Podlings, 1 Gourmand Skeksis and 1 Slave-Master Skeksis
• 1 Orrery turn track; A turn tracker based on the Dark Crystal Orrery completes the game.

The Dark Crystal and its expansive fantasy setting is enjoying something of  a resurgence in popularity, with a newly released hardcover book The Dark Crystal:  The Ultimate Visual History releasing shortly, from publishers Insight Editions, a new 12 Issue comic series and, it has also seen Netflix announcing plans for a 10 Ep series inspired by the film. And the relationship between River Horse and The Henson Henson has already proven fruitful.  The company recently announced plans for a second expansion for its Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Boardgame, expanding the line with a new Goblin Range.

clip_image003The game will see players following the events of the movie, ‘The Dark Crystal,’ and will see players given the opportunity to assist the film’s main characters, Jen and Kira, as they seek to heal the Dark Crystal by gathering the magical Shards.
The players move visually exquisitely sculpted figurines, around the board, visiting the iconic locations from the movie and exploring the Dark Crystal world. (From playing the Labyrinth Board game on hopes there will be a little more than this in the game, as it can prove a little mundane and samey in game play, Ed.)

The game is expecting to shift: Early 2018